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A (not so) brief history of music in an interactive chart, because you like that

Nutshell: Musicmap is the ultimate music history cheat sheet. More: Seriously, this ...

500,000 ‘hoverboards’ finally recalled in US

Nutshell: 10 manufacturers of 'hoverboards' in the US have issued safety recalls for ...

Tesla crash that led to death could also lead to lawsuit

Nutshell: Legal experts have told The Guardian that the family of the man killed when ...

Software update for OnePlus 3 pulled – for now

Nutshell: OnePlus has pulled an update for its newest OnePlus 3 flagship, as some people ...

Delivery robot trials head to Europe

Nutshell: Starship Technologies has been testing its autonomous delivery drones in ...

Man spends £40k and 4 years making world’s most unplayable game of Tetris

Nutshell: The 'Megaprocessor' is, essentially, a 10 meter by 2 metre game of Tetris that ...

UK police routinely misused access to personal data

Nutshell: More than 800 incidents of misuse of police computer systems to access ...

Spammers layer misery on UK’s Brexit farce

Nutshell: Spammers are looking to capitalize on the uncertainty of Britain's position in ...

Google’s DeepMind partners with NHS: All the better to see you with

Nutshell: Google's partnered with the NHS' Moorfields eye-hospital in London to apply ...

This iPhone app lets you measure vibrations

Nutshell: The Vibration App lets you test vibrations using just your iPhone, y'know, ...

Only in Japan: VR porn festival cancelled due to overcrowding

Nutshell A VR porn festival in Japan had to be closed early due to overwhelming demand ...

Never be confused by musical genres again

Nutshell: Every Noise At Once is a project that lists every musical genre, showing how ...